Jewish Learning Fellowships
The Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) is a 8-week experiential, conversational seminar for FIU students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism & Israel on their own terms. We’re interested in asking big questions. You know, the big stuff — like Who am I? What communities am I a part of? What is worth committing myself to, and why? And we don’t purport to have any of the big answers. JLF was founded in 2007 at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life at NYU. Since then, JLF has graduated over 3,000 fellows.
We make no claims about the “right” way to practice or not to practice Judaism. Our job is to help you explore the tradition in a safe space and find your own place, on your terms, in Judaism’s Great Conversation.
The Program
We offer 5 Jewish Learning Fellowships (aka JLFs) this semester. Each fellowship meets once a week, for 8 weeks, for an hour, starting in October. It is open to all FIU students and will be taught virtually, but for one class which will be taught in person at Temple Sinai. Additionally, fellows earn $200 at the end of the semester. We also invite Fellows to reflect on their big questions over a virtual 1:1 with our teachers and staff. We are looking for a small cohort, spaces are extremely limited, if you are interested, apply today!
Temple Sinai Offer
FIU HIllel and Temple Sinai of North Dade are proud to invite you to a unique partnership and opportunity. In addition to participating in regular JLF class, you can work as a madrich & earn some extra cash! As a Madrich, you will have the chance to engage in deep and challenging learning on LIfe's Big Questions with award-winning Jewish educator and musician, Rabbi David Paskin. You will also translate that learning into action by serving as a madrich/madricha (counselor) at JPaL, Temple Sinai's Jewish Play & Pray Learning Lab. Our JPaL sessions begin on Sunday, September 12 and run through the end of the summer each Sunday from 10am-12pm. Our learning with Rabbi David begins on Tuesday, October 5 and meets weekly through November 23rd. Madrichim work for one semester and may have the option to continue their work beyond that. Madrichim are paid a stipend of $300 per semester in addition to JLF's $200, so $500 in total. This is an amazing opportunity to bring your Jewish passion and joy to young children (grades 2-5) and inspire them as you are inspired by your learning.
Student Registration Form
Fill out the application form here. No places are guaranteed, we'll be in touch regarding your application shortly.
Community Member Registration Form
You are not an FIU student, but would love to learn some Torah? We gotcha! Fill out this quick form, and you can attend any of the sessions!